Saturday, October 20, 2012

If-Then Logical Chain Project

This is one of my favorite projects of the year.  After studying If-Then statements in Geometry, I have my students write an original story based on the children's books by Laura Numeroff.

I introduce the project by first watching one of the following videos and explaining how the stories are really logical chains.

          If you give a mouse a cookie ...
          If you give a moose a muffin ...

Directions for students:

1.  Design a book cover in the space provided for your story.  Make sure you include the title of your book and the author.  (Yes, the author is you!)  You can use colored pencils, markers, magazine clippings, computer generated artwork, etc.

2.  Write a minimum of 8 sentences.  Each sentence needs to be written as an "if-then" statement. 

3.  Write the conclusion (as a conditional) to your story.

Here are some examples of titles from stories this year.  They are super FUN to read!
  • If you give unicorn a yo-yo ...
  • If you give a dog a donut ...
  • If you give a giraffe a bath ...

I used a VERY simple rubric for grading.  This little project is a winner!  Kids love it.

Please visit my TpT store for this project.



  1. I absolutely love this project. This makes me wish I taught geometry...

  2. I am teaching Geometry in the fall for the first time and have been hunting down helpful activities, projects, resources, etc. I LOVE this project! I can't wait to incorporate it with my 8th grade Geometry students.

    I do hope that you continue blogging...I would love to bounce Geometry ideas off of you!

  3. This is fantastic! I am using this as part of my final assessment for my geometry class this semester. Do you have a copy of the rubric you used?
